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  • Thunder Awakener's Lodge RSVP for directions Chapel Hill area, NC USA (map)

Men gathering together to witness, support and challenge each other confers a Blessing. We will share & pray for our hopes, dreams and challenges. Together, we will purify in the tradition of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path of the Twisted Hairs. The Thunder Awakener’s Lodge is in Chapel Hill, NC.

New to Sweet Medicine Purification Lodges? Gather @ 4:30 pm for an orientation.

All others, Gather promptly @ 5:45 pm

The Ceremony will be followed with a potluck.
RSVP Required by Thursday March 16, 2023

Once you RSVP, Michael will arrange to talk with those of you new to the Sweet Medicine Purification Lodge Ceremony.

This Ceremony will be led by Michael Star Dreamer, a 25+ year Apprentice of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path. He is the Lodge Leader of Thunder Awakeners Lodge in Chapel Hill, a Teacher of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path and an authorized teacher of Men's Sexuality.
There is never a charge for ceremony.
Together as men, we will share the actual out of pocket expenses. 

Gifts for Michael and the fire crew are requested to maintain balance for what you receive.

Help will be needed beforehand in preparation and for the two days following.

Registration is limited and subject to confirmation

Once confirmed, you will receive detailed instructions how to prepare. 

Please spread the word.

For Further Information, or to RSVP/ Register, contact:
Michael Star Dreamer

Michael has been teaching about masculinity and relationships since 1996. Within the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path, Michael is a senior Teacher, Medicine Man and Leader of Thunder Awakeners Lodge in Chapel Hill.  He is a Certified Trainer of NLP and the Excellence Principle, a Challenge Course facilitator, an Ericksonian style hypnotist and master storyteller. Michael is committed to listen, support and challenge students to discover the Beauty and Power of their natural selves. He is dedicated to modeling the mature masculine.